Ordained Leaders
The significant leadership role of those who hold these offices is recognized in the New Testament ceremony of “laying on of hands.”
- Elders—a ministry of visitation, worship leadership, spiritual mentoring and church administration.
- Deacons and Deaconesses—a ministry of helping with the physical needs of the congregation, the church equipment and building.
- General Church Officers
Although they are not ordained, these general officers are members of the church board and important to the administration of church business.
- Secretary—the keeper of the official records of the administration including minutes of business meetings and the church board.
- Church Clerk—the keeper of the official records of the congregation, including membership list and the statistical reports for the denomination.
- Treasurer—the official finance officer for the congregation and all its projects and auxiliary organizations. It is essential that there be at least one assistant, even in the smallest congregation, to insure continuity in an emergency.
- Music Ministry—oversees the organist, pianists, choir directors and song leader.
Children’s Leaders
These adult leaders work with children in the congregation from pre-school through grade eight
- Children’s Ministries Coordinator—the overseer for all activities and programs for children in the congregation.
- Children’s Sabbath School Leaders are needed for beginner, kindergarten, primary, junior and earliteen Sabbath Schools. In small churches there may be only two combined Sabbath Schools—beginner, kindergarten and primary combined for younger children and junior and earliteen combined for older children.
- Children’s Sabbath School Teachers and Assistants are needed in each division; one or more pianists and one or more assistant leaders. Sabbath School teachers are also needed for small group Bible lesson study.
- Pathfinder Club Director—a ministry to children grades five through ten and older, involving them in camping, nature study, physical fitness, community service, Christian witness and character development. Selects his or her own staff with the approval of the church board or Church Ministries Council.
- Adventurer Club Director—a ministry to children in grades one through four, involving them in club meetings, special activities, family nights, and lots more.
- Vacation Bible School Coordinator—a ministry to help children develop a friendship with Jesus, with the Bible, with the church and with each other.
Youth Ministries
These adult leaders work with teenagers in grades 9 through 12, the academy or high school years.
- Youth Ministries Coordinator is the overseer for all activities and programs for teenagers sponsored by the congregation.
- Youth Sabbath School Leader—a ministry of planning, spiritual leader- ship, teaching, building community and program development.
- Youth Sabbath School Assistants are needed; one or more to provide music, two or more to be part of the leadership team.
Young Adult Ministries
These leaders work with the 18-35 age group. The leadership does not necessarily need to come from that age group.
- Young Adult Ministries Coordinator is the overseer for all activities and programs for young adults in the congregation.
- Young Adult Sabbath School Leader—a ministry of planning, spiritual leadership, teaching, building community and program development. In small churches this may only be a class.
- Young Adult Sabbath School Assistants are needed; one or more to provide music, two or more to be on the leadership team.
Adult Ministries
Most of the programs and activities of local churches are for adults of all ages.
- Greeters/Hospitality Coordinator—a ministry in the foyer on Sabbaths, making contact with new- comers and taking an interest in individuals. A coordinator supervises two or more teams, depending on the size of the congregation.
- Adult Sabbath School Director (or General Superintendent)—a ministry of developing leaders, planning programs and recruiting volunteers for the Sabbath School. Usually one to four assistants are needed, depending on the size of the church.
- Adult Sabbath School Teachers are appointed by the Sabbath School committee or church ministries council, not the nominating committee. Although individuals are not selected by your committee, it is good to keep these positions in mind.
- Outreach Director—this ministry is also called lay activities leader and evangelism committee chairperson in some local churches. It is a ministry of program development, recruiting and training volunteers to work for soul-winning and service in the community. Because so much must be learned in this role, it is important that at least one assistant be selected to “learn the ropes”.
- Adult Sabbath School Secretary—A ministry of ordering and distributing materials for church programs, and providing clerical help for program leaders.
- Interest Coordinator (or Bible School Director)—a ministry of building a list of prospects for church membership by contacting each name from all the many different programs and discovering their needs and level of interest, then developing an individual follow-up plan for each person. In larger churches one to three assistants may be needed.
- Community Services Director—a ministry of meeting the physical, economic, social, relational and spiritual needs of the poor and troubled in the community. (This is not necessarily the same person as the Dorcas leader, but coordinates the Dorcas Society and any other community service projects in the church.) One or more assistants may be needed, depending on the size of the program. Every center also relies on volunteers to operate.
- Health Ministries Director—a ministry of planning and developing programs to educate members and the community about chemical dependency, diet, physical fitness and disease prevention. Depending on the size of the program, a committee may be needed.
- Women’s Ministries Director—a ministry of planning and developing programs to meet the needs of women in local congregations. This may take place through a planning committee, assessments, program development, and advocating women’s needs, concerns and contributions.
- Men’s Ministries Director—a ministry of planning and developing programs to meet the needs of men in local congregations.
- Religious Liberty Director—a ministry of educating the congregation and the community about public issues.
- Communications & Media Director—a ministry of public relations, advertising representing the church to the news media. May also include the church newsletter.
- Finance / Stewardship Director is a ministry of education, helping to prepare the church budget each year, and communicating the financial needs of both the local and world church.
- Social Committee Leader is a ministry of providing opportunities for fellowship and fun.
- Family Ministries Director—a ministry of needs assessment, program development and education.
- School Board—a ministry of sponsoring a church school. Includes the board chairperson and several members. If your church is the sole sponsor of the school, the nominating committee will nominate the entire board. If you co-sponsor the school, you will nominate only the representatives from your church.
- Home and School Association Leader—a ministry of communication between parents and church school. Sometimes this may be done by the school board rather than your committee.
- Other offices may need to be filled because of actions voted by the local church board, local traditions or directives of your local conference. The Church Manual permits the nominating committee to fill other offices for which it sees a need. In fact, your committee may wish to recommend a particular office for your local church that no one else has suggested.